The Mystery Mist - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date TBD
Developer WolfSmokeStudios
Publisher 2P Games
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

In this world, deadly toxic mist is everywhere. The protagonist, Yaqing, becomes an apprentice to a physician skilled in using insects to save his sister, who has been poisoned by the mist. As the story progresses, he finds himself entangled in a tense racial conflict…

RPG Gamers summary

The latest game making the rounds in the RPG community is The Mystery Mist. Set in a unique and unexplored world, the game is drenched in deadly toxic mist and the protagonist, Yaqing, is faced with the challenge of saving his sister, who has fallen victim to this poison.

The game is touted as an adventure puzzle RPG, and if the setup isn’t enough to entice you, it also boasts a complex story with an impressive amount of narrative: over 350,000 words of text. Presenting three major story endings and more than 20 side endings, The Mystery Mist also offers professional voice acting for primary dialogues, adding an extra layer of immersion to the player’s experience.

The premise of The Mystery Mist is steeped in tension and desperation. Yaqing enters a city called ‘Hidden Town’ and trains under a physician who employs insects in his antidotes. Players must then catch insects and gather materials to create medicinal remedies for Yaqing’s sister.

But it’s not just about material gathering. The game also introduces elements of social interaction, with over 120 NPCs scattered across a variety of locations. Yaqing must navigate the narratives of these characters, learning rumors, deciding their fates, and triggering different subplots.

The Mystery Mist promises to ensnare players in its intricate story, encouraging them to uncover more about the joys and sorrows of the characters they encounter along the way. As the story unfolds, a simmering racial conflict is uncovered, threatening disaster and drawing Yaqing - and inevitably the player - further into the murky depths of the plot.

The Mystery Mist is carving a unique space for itself in the RPG sector, offering a blend of traditional puzzles and social interactions, alongside an in-depth narrative. How successful it is in balancing these aspects and achieving its lofty narrative ambitions, only time will tell. But for now, its promise of an intricate plot and rich world-building makes it a game to keep an eye on.

Newest screenshots

  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #1
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #2
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #3
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #4
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #5
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #6
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #7
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #8
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #9
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #10
  • The Mystery Mist - Screenshot #11