RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 09 July, 2008
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Based on The Witcher license, this is a browser game set in the same universe, centered around battles between two people. The game is created in cooperation with the development team of the Windows game. It is played against real people as a set of turn-based battles, allowing the player to progress and unlock more features in the game.

After signing up, there are three classes to choose from: Witcher, Sorceress or Frightener. They have different characteristics and skills at their disposal. The class can still be changed while playing, but at a very high cost. Most of the game is spent at the profile screen where players can examine their character’s statistics, spend the in-game currency on items such as weapons and amulets, upgrade different sets of skills and eventually challenge other players to battles. Skills are divided into eight trees with four areas: Strong, Fast, Magic and Special Skills.

Players can either challenge opponents or accept/reject incoming challenges. While setting up a fight, different statistics are shown. The battles are planned by choosing skills and dragging them to attack and defense slots that form the different steps of the battle. This is partly based on luck as players can for instance either opt for magic resistance (against magic) or parrying a sword (against a melee attack), guessing what the opponent will choose. At higher levels more slots become available. To avoid having certain characters use their most powerful attack six times after each other, the amount of fury and energy levels attacks consume needs to be taken into account. With a limited supply available, either three weak attacks or a single, powerful one can be selected for instance. This can later be influenced through skills and items.

When both sides have determined their strategy and have accepted the fight, the battle is shown as a fully animated sequence from a third-person perspective with sound and graphical actions. At that moment it is no longer possible to influence the fight’s development - instead the different attack and defense options are executed as originally planned.

By winning players earn experience, ranking points and orens (the in-game currency). There are different ranking lists to find suitable opponents, all battles are stored with the profile and influence the ranking, and there is a multiplayer chat lobby to talk to other players online. Certain challenges are not accepted right away and while it is left pending, notifications of completion can optionally be sent out to the player’s e-mail address. Orens are spent on new items, though certain weapons have level restrictions as well. Experience is used to upgrade and acquire different sets of skills.

Newest screenshots

  • The Witcher: VS - Screenshot #1
  • The Witcher: VS - Screenshot #2
  • The Witcher: VS - Screenshot #3
  • The Witcher: VS - Screenshot #4