RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 12 February, 2016
Setting Fantasy

Game Details

In Tofu Tower the player takes on the role of Tofu Muffin, a tiny witch who wants to help people. She has now come across a town that needs her help. To help the town she will have to fetch a magical artifact that is supposed to be at the top of a tower in the vicinity of the town. Each floor of the tower is a randomly generated grid of 13x13 squares. The player has completed a floor once the stairs leading up has been found, stepping on them will give the player the choice of going up a level, leave the tower or stay on the current floor.

On each floor of the tower one or more monsters lurks. Monsters are fought by using cards and new cards can be found in chests in the tower. Cards can be of two types: creatures and power-ups. When a creature card is added to the players inventory it is of level one and has zero experience. Winning battles with the card adds experience to it and when the experience is high enough the card will gain a level, giving it more health and a more powerful attack. If the player looses all of the cards Tofus own health will decrease with every enemy attack and if her health reaches 0 she is defeated. Outside the tower cards can be sacrificed to upgrade other cards.

Newest screenshots

  • Tofu Tower - Screenshot #1
  • Tofu Tower - Screenshot #2
  • Tofu Tower - Screenshot #3
  • Tofu Tower - Screenshot #4