Based on the magical girl manga and anime Tokyo Mew Mew, this game has players joining the Mew Mews on an adventure with a new friend. While on a trip to a nature reserve island the girls encounter a sixth Mew Mew named Ringo Akai, a young girl themed after the Humboldt Penguin. Quiche, the villain from the original series, plans to transform the rare red data animals on the island into vicious chimera anima; in order to distract the Mew Mews from his plans, he orders a new villain named Gâteau du Roi to kidnap Ringo. After rescuing Ringo, the girls team up to take down the villains and save all of the animals on the island.
This turn-based RPG puts a team-based spin on the genre. Like in normal RPGs, players can set up a team of several characters, but a special tag-team feature lets players take the entire Mew Mew squad into battle at once. Players can swap out characters in their active party at any time, even during battles, and the battles emphasize cooperation between characters.