Vile City is a web browser-based game set in Los Angeles, 2019. This setting has a cyberpunk theme, and has many of the classic features of such an environment (rampant crime, “low-lives” using “high-technology”, etc.).
The goal of the game is to develop your character by committing crimes, mugging or - temporarily - killing other players, and by receiving genetic augmentations (“gene jacks”). A player can also buy weapons, armor, cars and performance-enhancing narcotics on the open market with game money. Alternatively, a player can find items for free by searching a given area for loose items and cash, and by spending some money to win a random prize in the “Lucky Dip”.
Players can also buy upgrade packs with real money, where they can receive powerful (but not unique) items, cash and other bonuses.
This game is constantly updated by FinalMotive, with new features and economic adjustments occurring on a regular basis. Hard resets are very rare events.