RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 25 February, 2011
Setting Fantasy
Perspective Top-down3rd-person

Game Details

Wizard’s Keep is a RPG with action-based combat. The hero has to conquer four dungeons in order to save the world from an evil wizard. The game is played from a slightly angled overhead perspective and the hero moves over a overworld before entering the dungeons. He carries a sword and a shield which are used to kill enemies respectively block attacks. Additionally it is possible to lock on enemies which allows to more easily move around an enemy during combat. In order to progress in the dungeons, there are puzzles to solve and bosses to kill.

Each kill rewards experience points which eventually lead to level ups. Then the player can improve either the hero’s defence, constitution, speed or strength. The latter also unlocks more moves like a power attack or a healing spell. Shops allow to spend money for health refreshments or weapon/shield upgrades. The game world and dungeons are connected through teleport stations which allow to quickly move between locations.

Newest screenshots

  • Wizard’s Keep - Screenshot #1
  • Wizard’s Keep - Screenshot #2
  • Wizard’s Keep - Screenshot #3
  • Wizard’s Keep - Screenshot #4