Zenith is an action RPG coated in humor. Adventuring! Exploring ruins! Saving the world! You know the drill. A single player game with an actual story. No oneiric or do-it-yourself crap. You won’t need to piece the story together by yourself as if it was a swedish chair. We promise.
RPG Gamers summaryZenith is a fully-realized fantasy realm game that invites players to explore vast possibilities of the game world. Players can encounter bosses, dangerous foes, and pop culture references that are masked as parodies. The game is designed to keep players engaged with unlocking special abilities and upgrading basic combo movements. Players take on the role of retired wizard, Argus Windell, as he tries to keep dangerous artifacts out of the hands of buffoonish, heroic teenagers. The game sets itself apart with an all-powerful “final blow”-type move and a long single player campaign where players can evade the cruel and overrated real world. Zenith is an indie game that offers players a unique experience in a fully-realized fantasy realm.