Check Out Shardpunk: Verminfall in the Steam Strategy Fest

jasonnieva August 31, 2023

The Steam Strategy Fest is now live and it's one whole week of discounts and demos on games which feature deep strategy. One of the games players can enjoy is Shardpunk: Verminfall. For those interested but not yet sure if the game is for them, a free demo is available.

Features Introduced

Shardpunk: Verminfall was launched back in April of this year and since then, developer Clockwork Pile has been doing what it can to improve the player experience. Indeed, there were a lot of free updates released over the course of five months which include:

  • New Difficulty Level - Very Hard: A level that tested the strategic mettle of the players.
  • Ironman Mode: A mode which prevented players from reloading a mission.
  • Combat Enhancing Explosive Barrels: Gave a new dimension on strategy.
  • Character Renaming: A highly requested feature which allowed for for personalized character naming.
  • Dread Mechanics: Added layers to the game's strategic narrative resulting in the intricacies of the gameplay being expanded.
  • Character Bonds: Allowed for squad synergies during battles.
  • Free Blood Pack DLC: Introduced a bloodier battlefield.
  • Free Rat Pack DLC: Added new character and enemy types which provided fresh challenges and expanded gameplay.

Fight to Survive

One way to describe what Shardpunk: Verminfall is that it's Darkest Dungeon meets XCOM. That's because it features turn-based tactical battles and mixes it with hard choices. In addition to being offering a turn-based tactical strategy with RPG, the game also adds survival and even resource management.

Unlike other games in the same genre, it's rather unique because players start at a situation where they've already lost. What they need to do now is to run for their life. Along the way they'll need to save as many people as they can and collect pieces of equipment. The goal is to keep moving and use skills and items available until the bunkers are reached. To survive and live to fight another day, players need to forma crew and then use weapons to get that much needed resources.

What do you think? Excited to try out the game? Get Shardpunk: Verminfall on Steam now.