Free Content Update Released for Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother

jasonnieva June 15, 2024

It hasn't been long since Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother was officially launched. Despite that, a major free content update has been released which adds a bunch of new content. In celebration, the game is being offered at 20% discount on Steam for a limited period.

The new update introduces Sun Wukong as a new boss. To unlock this challenge, players need to defeat Erlang Shen. It may be a difficult fight, but the good news is that those able to beat Sun Wukong can get their hands on the Ruyi Divine Staff. Another new feature that players should look forward to is Endless Mode. Here they get to face an infinite wave challenge that's sure to test their skills and limits.

Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother tells the story of Sanshengmu, a goddess from the celestial court. She's been imprisoned under Mount Hua for violating celestial laws by giving birth to a boy with a mortal. The boy, who's named Chenxiang, has come of age and finally learned the truth. He has vowed to rescue his mother. With the help of Sun Wukong and other powerful immortals, Chenxiang now needs to overcome numerous trials and defeat formidable enemies to finally be reunited with his mother.

The game features multiple sect systems that enhance different combat styles. Players get to come up with their very own magical combat abilities by combining a wide range of magical treasures with cultivating dozens of items. For each challenge, there's always new surprises waiting. In addition to the game's real-time action combat, players can ake use of the Lotus Lantern. This ancient artifact can release divine abilities like Time Manipulation and Bullet Time. The Lotus Lantern can also permanently enhance the abilities of the players, which is sure to be a big help especially when overcoming those indomitable enemies.

Aside from combat, players also get to meet characters from Chinese mythology as they go on this dangerous journey. These include the likes of Sun Wukong, the Eight Immortals, Erlang Shen, Nezha, to name a few.

What are you waiting for? Get Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother on Steam now.