New Ranching System Now in Once Human with New Update

jasonnieva September 28, 2024

A new update is now live in Once Human and introduces some interesting new features. One of these is the new animal ranching system.

In the game, animals serve as a source of both meat and raw hide. It is not that difficult to catch them, and all players need to do is apply different strategies when dealing with certain animals. Herbivores for example typically scatter once one of them is attacked. Carnivores meanwhile have the tendency to attack the player.

With these recent changes, animals now start to breed if they meet three conditions. The first is that if the animal has high Tameness with the second one being that the animal is not a youngling. The third is that players need to have a Youngling Hut facility in their territory that is not at full capacity.

Newborn animals in particular have random changes when it comes to colors and patterns. Those lucky enough may get to encounter rare special patterns. Players should also be happy to know that new ranch animals have been added and these are the Capybara, Flamingo, and Leopard.

Eternaland Changes

It's not all about animals since the new update also added the Eternaland Roaming screen. Here players get to access the Eternalands of random players. There's also an Eternaland recommendation system which lets players like an Eternaland. The more likes an Eternaland receives, the larger its display found on the Eternaland Roaming screen. The Island Roaming feature is what allows players to look at the Eternalands of other players.

New Weapon

New as well is the melee weapon blueprint for none other than the Fabled Masamune. Players can buy it in the Blueprint Shop.

The new update also introduces a new PvP scenario which you can read more about here.

Once Human takes players to a post-apocalyptic Earth that has been overrun by an extraterrestrial entity known as Stardust. This entity has the unique ability to infect and alter every known form of life on Earth, including humans, animals, and plants. Players take on the role as a Meta-Human that’s immune to contamination and capable of harnessing the powers of Stardust. Get Once Human for the PC via Steam.