Prepare to Show Your Cooking Skills with the Latest Update in Rust

jasonnieva March 08, 2025

A new update is now live in Rust and it's sure to give you chef vibes. That's because it introduces what's known as the Cooking Workbench. This new deployable lets players cook up new food recipes.

Indeed, the Cooking Workbench not only lets players craft advanced recipes but the new dishes made actually provide buffs and benefits. For example, the Chicken Pie gives players a chance to obtain better genes from crops for five minutes when planting seeds. Meanwhile the Apple Pie has players obtain 15 minutes of 100% better night vision along with enhanced visibility of node sparkles and bright X's on trees.

There are also other recipes that provide a boost to hunger, health, and hydration, while also giving other benefits like:

  • Pumpkin Pie: Increases max health for 10 minutes
  • Hunter's Pie: Lowers bleeding for 15 minutes
  • Fish Pie: Increases base comfort level for 1 minute.
  • Pork Pie: Improves healing rate from other sources for a short time

Food Spoiling

Still on the topic of food, there's now such a thing as food spoiling. Meat based food items in particular spoil over time. This means players have to store them in a Fridge or cook them before they become unusable. Raw meat spoils after 6 hours with cooked meat spoiling after 24 hours. Take note that the timer is reset once the meat is cooked. In addition, it's paused entirely as long as the meat is in a powered fridge.

To help players, any item that can spoil is going to have a timer on its item information panel. It shows how long they have before it spoils. It also displays an icon to signify if the item is being refrigerated or not.

The new update also introduces bees to the game. There’s such a thing a a Beehive and even a Bee Grenade. Read more about it here.

Rust is a game where the goal is simple and that is to survive. That’s because you’ve been transported to a mysterious island where everything is out to get you. Do whatever it takes to last another night. Get Rust via Steam now.