Studio Reveals More About Difficulty Levels in Knock on the Coffin Lid

jasonnieva August 12, 2024

Developer RedBoon has released a statement related to the difficulty levels in Knock on the Coffin Lid. In particular, it’s about the balance on the “Hardcore” and “Terrible” levels.

In a post, the studio revealed that they had to come out with this after getting “emotional feedback” from the players. It appears that a lot of players immediately went to the “Terrible” difficulty and as expected, crashed and burned.

According to the studio, the game doesn’t have that straightforward and typical progression. Instead, the progression in Story mode ahs been embedded when it comes to exploring the world and the events that happen in it. Simply put, what happens is that when a hero for example becomes more familiar with the world then the rewards for events become more powerful.

There are a lot more considerations but at its core, both “Hardcore” and “Terrible” levels were mad to ensure that the game remans interesting for well-developed and strong characters. The “Terrible” level in particular is for those who have managed to finish the Challenges mode.

The studio shared that they didn’t expect some players to head starting to “Terrible” level without even seeing how the game works. In hindsight, the studio said that they should have locked these modes especially for those who have yet to complete the “Normal” level. However, the studio admitted that “what's done is done.” Instead, players can look forward to seeing balance changes for the level.

Investigate Your Own Death

In Knock on the Coffin Lid, you wake up inside a cold crypt that seems to be a thousand leagues from home. In addition, you appear to be in the company of an enigmatic stranger but have no memories of what happened. In order to bring back those lost memories, you'll need to examine the dark secrets of your very own death. To return home, you'll have to go on a journey across three mysterious regions and untangle that web of deadly intrigues. Along the way you'll get to meet new friends though some of them only want to appear as such.

Knock on the Coffin Lid is now available for the PC via Steam. It’s currently being offered at 20% off until August 23.