The Roads to Power Has Opened in Crusader Kings III

jasonnieva September 25, 2024

The latest major expansion for Crusader Kings III is finally here. In Roads to Power, players get to explore a richer and deeper medieval world.

Roads to Power offers two significant changes when it comes to the core game experience. The first are the Landless Adventurer characters that begin with a camp along with a few followers. However, they have the ability to obtain great power and influence by offering their skills to neighboring rules.

The second change is the Administrative Government playstyle that’s available to the Byzantine Empire. This is a more historically appropriate representation of the political system of one of the great Mediterranean powers. You can learn more about it through an associated comic book titled as “Many Roads to Power.”

Family Estate

Aside from what's already mentioned, the new expansion also introduces what's known as the Family Estate. What happens is that players get to run and manage a powerful Family Estate. This serves as their seat of power even if players don't hold any other land. They get to construct new buildings along with improvements that can improve their power and influence within an administrative empire.

Influence System

There's also the Influence System. In this one, players get to build up the influence of their character within an administrative empire and climb the rungs of bureaucracy. They not only raise their status in the realm and in return get more power for themselves. They start as landless nobles on an estate and then compete for valuable provinces to govern before making a bid for the Purple.

Players can also spend any influence they have gathered to determine the course of the Empire and get the successor you want. This can be a royal family member, a powerful noble, a martial hero, or any other candidate for that matter. In fact, the Emperor can even opt to co-rule if it appears that the burden of the throne has become too much for one person.

The Roads to Power expansion is available for $29.99. It’s also available as part of Crusader Kings III: Chapter III, which also includes the Core Expansion ‘Legends of the Dead’ and the Event Pack ‘Wandering Nobles’. You can get Crusader Kings III for the PC via Steam.