Learn More About the Lore of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

jasonnieva July 11, 2024

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is all set to be released this July 18. Once the game goes live, players are invited to be part of a world where Gods and guns collide in a fight for the future of humanity. Today we're going to learn more about this new world.

You see in the land of Kian, the people saw the ancient stories of magic and gods as nothing but myths. The main reason was the existence of black powder technology which had brought nations that were previously bickering closer together. In fact, even the most conservative of places had abandoned the old ways and preferred the riches that technology and trade had to offer.

A Reminder of the Past

One of the grim reminders of the old world was the Door to the Great Below. In the past, the city of Dawn had been built around this Door by those who struggled to let go of the dead. However, in modern times, the Door in now an unexplainable curiosity and serves as a landmark for a city that was forgetting its past.

An Unprecedented Disaster

One day, a disaster struck Kian and it was the Dead opening and the Dead themselves marching into the world of the living. The first victim was none other than the unsuspecting city of Dawn. By the time anyone had an idea of what had happened, the city was already lost. Those lucky enough to have survived meanwhile had abandoned the city.

With the threat of the Dead now clear, The Coalition was formed to face them. This was a makeshift army composed of volunteers from many nations. While they were able to push the enemy back, it was at a tremendous cost. In addition, they only managed to contain the Dead within the city walls. This meant that the Door to the Great Below remained open.

A Decade Later

Ten years since that disastrous event, black powder technology finally advanced to the point that Sama, Field Marshal of the Coalition, was convinced to sign off on a mission behind enemy lines.

She has entrusted her unit of Sappers with the task of blowing the Door shut and with it end a decade of suffering. There is however one problem. Despite being able to hold back the Dead for a decade, no one the Coalition knows how the Door was opened and who opened it.

As the Sappers make it deeper into Dawn, they come face to face with a creature straight that hailed from the pages of legend. It was then that the truth finally revealed itself. It wasn’t just the Dead that walked through the Door years ago but also gods themselves who are intent on claiming a world that had forgotten them.

With this, the battle now moves from going against the Dead to fighting the Gods.

What do you think? Excited to play the game? You wishlist Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn on Steam now.