A new update is now live in Throne and Liberty and there’s a lot of new content introduced. There’s also the launch of Milestones events. These are time-sensitive events that reward players and their unique incentives.
That’s not all since the first set of players able to complete these challenge goals receive unique spoils along with being able to unlock their server’s next set of content for everyone to enjoy. However, should time run out and no one completes the Milestone goal, no rewards are given and the next set of content unlocks at a later time based on the Milestone schedule.
These are the March through April milestones and applicable to both US EAST and US WEST servers unless otherwise indicated:
March 6
- (Dynamic Event) Quietis’ Demesne
March 7
- (Dynamic Event) Forest of the Great Tree
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Quietis’ Demesne
March 8
- (Field Boss) Daigon
March 9
- (Dungeon) Temple of Truth
- (Dungeon) Bercant Estate
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Forest of the Great Tree
March 10
- (Boonstone First Battle) Quietis’ Demesne
- (Boonstone First Battle) Forest of the Great Tree
- (Dynamic Event) Swamp of Silence
- (Riftstone Unlocks) Daigon
March 11
- (Riftstone First Battle) Daigon
- (Field Boss) Leviathan: US EAST ONLY
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Swamp of Silence: US EAST ONLY
March 12
- (Field Boss) Leviathan: US WEST ONLY
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Swamp of Silence: US WEST ONLY
March 13
- (Dynamic Event) Black Anvil Forge
- (Riftstone Unlocks) Leviathan
March 14
- (Boonstone First Battle) Swamp of Silence
March 15
- (Riftstone First Battle) Leviathan
- (Field Boss) Pakilo Naru
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Black Anvil Forge
March 17
- (Boonstone First Battle) Black Anvil Forge
- (Dynamic Event) Bercant Manor
- (Riftstone Unlocks) Pakilo Naru
March 18
- (Riftstone First Battle) Pakilo Naru
March 19
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Bercant Manor
March 20
- (Dynamic Event) Crimson Manor
March 21
- (Boonstone First Battle) Bercant Manor
- (Dungeon) Crimson Mansion: US WEST ONLY
March 22
- (Dungeon) Crimson Mansion: US EAST ONLY
March 23
- (Field Boss) Manticus Brothers
- (Boonstone Unlocks) Crimson Manor
- (Riftstone Unlocks) Manticus Brothers
March 24
- (Boonstone First Battle) Crimson Manor
- (Riftstone First Battle) Manticus Brothers: US EAST ONLY
March 25
- (Riftstone First Battle) Manticus Brothers: US WEST ONLY
March 27
- (Arch Boss Unlocks) Deluzhnoa
- (Arch Boss Unlocks) Giant Cordy
March 29
- (Arch Boss First Battle) Deluzhnoa
April 2
- (Arch Boss First Battle) Giant Cordy
You can learn more about The Wilds of Talandre expansion here. You can also read about the new dungeons here.
Throne and Liberty follow the story of a tumultuous world where players need to defeat the evil Kazar and ascend to the throne. They’ll also need to fight against other guilds who are also hoping to gain power for themselves. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that there is no linear path when it comes to victory. This means that players need to find their own way in the story.
There’s no question that the objective gameplay structure combined with the rich narrative allow for the game to be engaging and promising. Get Throne and Liberty for the PC via Steam now.