SacriFire Playtest Ignites on Steam: An RPG Revolution by Pixelated Milk

calimonk June 18, 2024

Pixelated Milk, the independent studio known for their work on Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs and WARSAW, has announced an exciting update. The playtest for their upcoming RPG, SacriFire, is now live on Steam. This marks the first opportunity for players to immerse themselves in the unique world of SacriFire, complete with a distinctive combat system, striking pixel art, and a soundtrack from the legendary Motoi Sakuraba (known for his work on Dark Souls, Eternal Sonata, the Tales of series, Star Ocean, Golden Sun and more).

SacriFire tells the tale of Ezekiel Ridan, a young priest striving to uphold his faith amidst a war between gods and demons. As a soldier-in-training for the elite Church of Sheol, Ezekiel's main objective is the protection of the underground city of Antioch from the demonic forces above. However, he quickly becomes entangled in a conflict that spans thousands of years and involves forces beyond his understanding.

The SacriFire playtest offers a glimpse into the game's rich content, including one main story quest, three side quests, two major locations and six smaller ones. Players will face off against a boss and a variety of enemies while also having the opportunity to engage in a fun mini-game of Moligmania. The playtest will be available until June 24th, 2024.

SacriFire is planned to launch on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch. This is an exciting development for fans of Pixelated Milk's work and RPG enthusiasts alike, and we look forward to experiencing the full game upon its release.