Two Utility Bundles Added in Star Wars: The Old Republic Cartel Market

jasonnieva March 12, 2025

Game Update 7.6.1 for Star Wars: The Old Republic released early this week. It marks the start of Rising Powers, which is the title for Galactic Season 8. There are also interesting additions like the one for Cartel Market.

Two utility bundles have been added with the first one being the Dromund Kaas themed Utility Bundle. It comes with these decorations:

  • Item Modification
  • Legacy Storage
  • Guild Bank
  • Cargo Bay
  • GTN Wall-mounted Terminal
  • GTN Kiosk
  • Mail Box x 4
  • Appearance Modification Station

The second item added to the Cartel Market is the Coruscant themed Utility Bundle. This one includes these decorations:

  • Item Modification
  • Legacy Storage
  • Guild Bank
  • Cargo Bay
  • GTN Wall-mounted Terminal
  • GTN Kiosk
  • Mail Box x 4
  • Appearance Modification Station

Update Changes

The update also brings balance changes and items. General ones include:

  • Moving parts that are attached to helms now show in cinematics.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some objects from properly glowing as interactable.
  • Fixed an issue where some missions were not granting Codex Entries upon completion.
  • Players can now interact with the jukebox in the Slippery Slopes Cantina.
  • The B3-S1 Companion no longer appears to attack dead enemies.

Another change is that the “Enable moveable secondary windows” interface setting has been removed. TWith this, players should now be able to close the Welcome Window and engage all vendors as intended. They’ll also be able to use the Interface Editor without issue.

There are also changes made to items which are:

  • Currency items now show the currency type (character or Legacy) instead of the bind type.
  • Shae Vizla’s Battle Scarred Armor now has a jetpack animation when the Rocket Boost ability is used.
  • Fixed various seams that were showing when Shae Vizla’s Battle Scarred Armor is equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the companion UI persisted when the companion is dismissed while the player is mounted on the Meirm Cicada Mount.
  • Companions no longer take fall damage while they are riding on the Meirm Cicada Mount.
  • The Braidhawk hairstyle no longer clips through the player character’s head when using Male Body Type 4.
  • The Senate Podium Crystal decoration now glows as intended.

Check out the changes for Game Update 7.6.1 here. As mentioned, the new update launches the new season and you can read more about it here. Finally, don't forget to learn about the return of an event happening on Dantooine here.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in the Star Wars universe and happens in a time called the Old Republic. It’s a period when a cold war has resulted in the galaxy to be split between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Get Star Wars: The Old Republic on Steam now.